Our Family Vietnam History and Legacy




MK3: U.S. issued grenades used for crowd control in case of riots.  U.S. Department of the Army's Field Operations Manual described the effects is to overpressure the air, causing the eardrums to be numb.  These types of grenades include smoke which can be used to create confusion and deprive air.  The effectiveness of concussion grenades is non-lethal.
South Vietnam:  The non-communist nation created during the Geneva Peace Accord.  South Vietnam went through turbulent times and government.  It finally fell under the advancing armies of North Vietnam after the U.S. complete withdrawal.
First Republic:  The first non-monarchic government, led by President Ngo Dinh Diem.
Military Junta:  A series of short-lived government that replaced the First Republic.  Led by General Nguyen Khanh or Duong Van Minh.
Revolutionary Council: a government led by General Nguyen Khanh who replaced the Military Junta by force, then reconciled with it and the militant Buddhists.
Revolutionary Court:  a military tribunal that tried First Republic remnants for crimes against humanity on political oppostions.
Second Republic:  A civilian government which replaced the Military Junta.  Led by President Nguyen van Thieu.

"Let nothing of the truths that have been defined be lessened, nothing altered, nothing added, but let them be preserved intact in word and in meaning."

Pope Gregory XVI    Read more.

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