Our Family Vietnam History and Legacy



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Trial of Dang Sy
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Holy Vietnam Martyrs
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Our Lady of Lavang


Welcome to Our Family Vietnam History and Legacy website, this is a small collection of references to the Trial of Dang Sy during the mid 1960s, which are often overlooked.

While many books and archives said briefly about the Trial of Dang Sy, they all gave conflicting views of the man on trial. Who is Matthew Sy Dang ? What really happened that propelled Mr. Sy Dang into the events that ultimately led to the Trial of Dang Sy. What he did, the accusations alleged against him, why he did it and what happened afterward were not always connected.

In the recent years, personal websites and community websites have brought up the same topic about Mr. Sy Dang while unfairly misrepresented key figures. Facts and figures were conveniently ignored to create a history that was biased and inaccurate.

Using original, timely articles, peer-reviewed journals of scholars and commentary on the politics and history, this website brings together sources from all sides, to give a fuller, non-political picture of what happened. The Trial of Dang Sy was created at the insistence of the United States to stem the tyranny of justice in both the government and the public in South Vietnam. From the findings found at the trial, international communities eased up accusations of the First Republic on lack of religious freedom and helped to bridge the subsequent government, the Second Republic, bringing unity to South Vietnam in the late 1960s.

Our Objective

Thank you for learning about the value of library resources, and it is wonderful that you take an active role in questioning the materials your children are reading. Due to the under-represented references provided on public forums like Wikipedia, we undertake the following projects to provide an initial jump start into the following topics:

The materials provided are intended for our readers to look from both sides of the issue, rather than steering the readers into one-sided, opinionated editorials (OpEds) that have saturated the public forums.

Please note: The American Library Association advises anyone who is reading Wikipedia, or any other Web site for that matter, to take what is written with a grain of salt, as they cannot guarantee the accuracy of any materials read on the Internet. Please visit your local libraries and talk to your children for about the value of library resources. You may also reach out to your local librarians and discuss what databases they have available at the library, they may have access to academic journals which go through an extensive peer-review process.

Other Websites

These sites contained additional information and further academic researches.

Again, thank you for using your local library, and good luck in your conversations with your kids on how to sort through information on the Internet.

"Let nothing of the truths that have been defined be lessened, nothing altered, nothing added, but let them be preserved intact in word and in meaning."

Pope Gregory XVI    Read more.

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